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Ash Cave

Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio

Ash Cave, located in the southernmost reaches of Hocking Hills State Park, remains one of the most impressive recess caves in the state of Ohio—the horseshoe-shaped cave measures 700 feet across, 100 feet deep, and 90 feet high.

To reach Ash Cave, hike the short paved trail through the gorge, admiring the variety of hardwood species along the way—in the fall, maples, beech, and oak display brilliant autumn foliage. In the spring and summer, wildflowers are abundant—look for Jack-in-the-Pulpit, trillium, jewelweed, spring beauty, and Dutchman’s breeches.

When you emerge from the narrow gorge to the open expanse of Ash Cave, you will be awestruck by its size and beauty—of particular splendor is the waterfall cascading over the rim into a plunge pool below. The waterfall, which freezes in the winter to form towering pillars of ice, is a product of the small tributary of Queer Creek—also seen at Old Man’s Cave.

After you have explored the interior of the cave to your heart’s content, stroll past the plunge pool and under the waterfall to a set of steps that lead up to the rim of the gorge—follow the rim trail for a bird’s eye view of the cave’s opening.

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